Hey hey!
So we had our carnival booth last Wednesday selling CHICKEN RICE BALLS and JELLY too!
With God's grace, we managed to sell off our foodstuff and we raked in a profit of RM467! Hallelujah! All profit goes to charity and we're only more than delighted to be able to contribute so much to the charity.
Not only that, but we managed to send out word of Taylor's CF to the college students present on that day as well.
The results of the day? We ended up having a record breaking total of 40 people coming for CF yesterday! Fuuuuuh! And that even included NINE newcomers! Praises to God, eh?

Speaking of which, we were delighted to have the youthful Max from Eagle's Point to come in and share a bit on the Word.
He gave us a brief message with the aid of a powerpoint presentation to help convey the importance of going out and bringing to others the truth that is Jesus Christ, our Saviour.
Then, he concluded his message with a... shocking albeit very surreal dawning of realization that serves to drive us to spread the Gospel. I've uploaded it here for you to watch, in case you've missed it... or you just can't help but watch it again! =)
People, truly it is important for us to not delay as who knows when the people closest to you may be taken away from this world. The Gospel is an important message for everyone to hear, so go out and let them know of His renown!
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