Hey, fellow CF-ers!
Just a quick note, we're rapidly egggggssspppppaaaanddddiiiinnnngg! Praise God!
Tomorrow's agenda.... we have Pastor ___________ from City Revival coming down to pay us a visit and enlighten us on the Word.
No, his name isn't Pastor '____________' and no, it's not because I don't know how to spell his name. It's just that... well.... we don't really know who's coming down! Honest!
It's a surprise, ya'll! Pray for a good message la! Blessed are those who pray, yo. =)
On a side note, do make it a point to come for our Prayer Meets that we hold every Monday, Wednesday and Friday (Hey, that's tomorrow!) of the week. Come and be a blessing to others and others will, too, bless you. :) Now who doesn't like blessings so early in the morning, huh? Come ooooooooonnnnn!
We start at 7.45 in the mornings right in the heart of the SAM Garden (otherwise known as the tropical place outside the Chem Labs). If you can't find us, look for the tell-tale signs of a group of people standing in an irregularly shaped circle either...
A) poking harmless fun at each other and laughing, or
B) bowing their heads with eyes closed and praying.
You'll KNOW it's us. =)
And uh... FYI, there's gonna be a camera in CF tomorrow, so....... look your best!! Your face may just end up on the blog! (Actually... it's highly likely it will. Harharhar! Just look at Rachel. Wheeeeeee!)
Nibble wibble.
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