It seems the nibbling threat actually worked! We had a great attendance this week as more and more people kept on coming in for CF! Wuuuuuuuuuuh!
Not only that, everyone just seemed totally whacked out and hyper last Friday. Karen included. Hahaha =D

oh yeah.

Dr. Eeeeveeeeel!

MELISSAAAAAAAH and Queen Squiddy!

The Queen attempting to garner more Squids... hehehe

Marcus nibbling welcoming the new one. ;D



Nerissa and her sistah!
See what I mean? Doesn't Sister Karen just look so... hyper?! :D
From now onwards, we shall threaten you CF-ers consistently with nibbling and gradually progress to biting... hey!
Okay, so what went down last Friday that you *AVID CF-ERS* might have missed?
Karen gave us some flashes of her past and how some decisions can impact things greatly. Both GOOD and... BAD. Not all the decisions that we make in the spur of the moment may necessarily be the most correct way in God's eyes. As our hearts act as the Church of God, we should not carry decisions that would serve to drive our hearts away from Him.
Not feeling out of place in college, she gave each of us paper handouts! Oh, sweet joy!
With her message entitled 'Making Godly Decisions: Is It Good Or Is It God?', we happily filled in the handouts as we listened to her speak.
"In the last 6 months, what was some of your most important decisions that you have made? And given that, how certain were you that this was God's decision for your life?" - Karen.
Taking from Psalms 37: 1-9, she taught us briefly how to make Godly decisions that will impact our life in a good way.
1. Do not be envious.
2. Seek God and do good.
3. Delight yourself in the Lord.
4. Commit your way to the Lord.
5. Be still and wait patiently for Him.
6. Refrain from anger.
7. Continue to hope in the Lord.
Also, she gave us some important things to remember when we find ourselves at a crossroad:
1. The enemy is always at work trying to bring you down
2. Everything in this world is permissible, but not everything would be beneficial to you.
3. Always seek Godly counsel as God speaks to us through many different sources of godly wisdom.
So... if this week's CF was any indication, we're just getting stronger and stronger as more people start coming in on Fridays. Don't miss out on next week's CF!
Updates will come along as... well, the updates come along!
Don't be a stranger... be a squid!
God bless, ye merry gentlemen and gentlewomen.
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