*cough cough*
Okay! So what's going on this Friday, you may ask?
We're very excited this week to have Karen from Glad Tidings, PJ to come and lift our hearts out (not literally, of course!) to God.

If ya'll remembered, GTPJ was where THAT *points up* was held. =D
Missed it? One question, WHY?! Don't let it happen next year, okay? It's totally worth your 50 bucks. Or... whatever price they may have to charge next time around.
Anyway, we're also very very very excited to finally have the July intake students to make their presence known and help support our CF community that, together with your little effort will help build the stepping stones in bringing God closer to everyone around us.
So, for all ye July intakers who are reading this blog, stop rolling your eyes and check us out, okay? We promise we won't bite. Maybe a nibble?
Again I say, PROMOTE TAYLOR'S CF! Link us up, and be linked!
So... if you so choose to be nibbled by us *big grin*, you can find us at:
LT7 - 3rd Floor Main Block (opposite the teacher's staffroom)
2.30pm to 4pm
Be there, or be....? NIBBLED!
p/s: Don't ask me what's with the nibbled thing. It's outta the blue. Harharhar. Get, it? Blue? Hahaha. Me neither... ._.
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