Let's come together and be blessed while having a rockin' time in God's presence! See you there~ =P

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Malaccan Dreams

Heya, folks!

As some of you may know, plans are currently underway for a Malacca Day Trip scheduled for the 20th September, which falls on a lovely Saturday. =)

We at the CF, would sincerely like to invite all of you to come and join us on this fun-filled event where we visit the glorious, historical and not to mention, gastronomical city!

Or is it state, what DO you call Malacca? Haha

Feel free to leave your details such as your NAME and CONTACT NUMBER in the comments of this post so that we can liaise with you as quickly as we possibly can!

Do invite your friends along, yes? We're not just limited to only CF members, ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE is invited to come and enjoy themselves in Malacca with us!

Regarding transportations, we will provide a bus coach to and fro for the day so no worries there, aye?

And financially, so far there are no costs to bear from you guys but that hasn't been set in stone as of yet so do leave your details first and we'll give you any new updates FIRST HAND!

Food though, you will be required to use the cash that's on you seeing as not everyone eats the same amounts or may not eat the same things so we wouldn't wanna limit you guys on what to eat, now would we? Malacca IS  a food haven, after all. Gorge, people, gorge!

New updates will be added as we roll along, yes. So, check back often!

Til then, Nibble Wibble, Chicken Fighters CF-ers!

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