Let's come together and be blessed while having a rockin' time in God's presence! See you there~ =P

Saturday, May 31, 2008

The good Word.

Today's (or yesterday's) CF was totally amazing!

God has not forgotten about each and every one of us.

Pastor Victor from City Revival came by to share the word and he came with God's anointing.

Seeing so many youths in the room, he proceeded to share his experience growing up as a youth and how God transformed his life.

Not only that, he even had a few prophetic words for some of us present on that day!

In addition, one of our brothers has accepted the Lord! Hallelujah and Amen! May God's blessings be upon you, Jason.

The cool ushers.

Keane and Mel discussing the lyrics. Priceless Mel expression. =)

People bustling in after classes.

Yee Lian and her two thumbs up.

Ps. Victor.

The congregation very much wide awake *trust me*. Priceless expressions, too.

Ms. Esther ending CF with food for thought.

The CF urges all of you to NOT miss out on any other meetings! Who knows, God could be wanting to talk to you next!

God bless!

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