So anyways, today we had a really special speaker, an ex-Taylor's A-levels student, who's now studying in IMPERIAL COLLEGE, London, in his fourth year of medicine currently. Say WOW.
Okay good. Haha. Nicholas Ng shared the testimony of his life, it was an awesome and inspiring message, especially to those of us from other faiths and also those of us in the midst of deciding what to do with our lives. We were especially able to connect with what he went through as a student, he was exactly like us: a Taylor's student attending CF many many (ok not that many) years ago, deciding which path to take in life.
And then, how God provided for his family's finances when he decided to study medicine, and what he's doing now as a Christian doing medicine in the UK. It was INSPIRING. I'm sure us SAM, A-Level, ICPU and ADP students are at similar crossroads in our lives: where to study, what to study, what our careers will be like, who will we be in the future. And we were really blessed and inspired by the message!
If you weren't there, now you know you missed out a lot. You still can make it next week! *grins* Haha and the icebreaker before the message was EPIC. Basically it was to do with names of food.
Not going into details here, but everyone was in stitches at the end. Best part was when Shaun was about to be whacked, he was thinking of 'sundae' and yelled out 'Wednesday!' or when he was thinking of 'grasshopper' and yelled out 'Lotus!'
Don't worry, I'm also like 'huh?' right now. Ah well that's it for this week's CF, cya next week.